
Datacentre fibre management system claims reliability

Due to the fragility of fibre cabling, deploying a comprehensive yet simplistic structured fibre management system is crucial to the successful operation of a datacenter.

Based on the existing LISA system, the H&S’ LISA Double Access configuration is a high-density and modular cross-connect fibre management system which offers a clear physical demarcation point.

The LISA Double Access provides a separation of incoming and outgoing connectivity, which can be managed with ultimate ease and maximum efficiency. The system claims to be reliable, simple and highly efficient, minimising the potential for damage.

“In a data centre, the protection of the fibre is key, which is exactly what the LISA Double Access offers customers,” says H+S’ Eduardo Lopes.

The use of the 1500mm rack reduces customers floor space requirements by 17%, compared to a conventional LISA setup with equivalent port density.

LISA Double Access enables high-density applications for up to 2 x 100 LISA cassettes, which corresponds to a maximum density of 3600 ports per rack.